WHAT is the Disability Tax Credit? - suexpress

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WHAT is the Disability Tax Credit?

I you live in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and have a child with Type 1 Diabetes, please click here to help us have a provincial policy put in place for all of our children

WHAT is the Disability Tax Credit?
WHAT is the Disability Tax Credit?

Disability Tax Credit
WHAT is the Disability Tax Credit? This is a Tax Credit that one needs to apply for via a certified medical officer (your MD, and or better yet, your endocrinologist). 

If granted, this provides a tax relief (about $2000.00) for those with a severe disability (ie Type I, IDD). 

Further, as of 2020, if you qualify for the DTC then you will be granted the Disability Tax Benefit ( worth $1,600.00). 

The Disability Tax Benefit is automatically processed 
IF and when you qualify for the Disability Tax Credit.

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a federal tax credit available to those who require "life-sustaining therapy" and whose therapy takes more than 14 hours per week. 

There are parents of children with diabetes and adults with diabetes who are receiving this credit.  

Please consider applying for it this year with your taxes. 
This credit is not just for those who do not have insurance. 

 This credit is for anyone receiving " life-sustaining therapy". 

Do not take no for an answer should you be refused
Please fight your case as far as the courts will allow. 

Share your story and your struggle with us so that we may pass this information along to others. 
Together we can make a difference.

Together we will create change.

We should not be arbitrarily approved or denied. 
Please write to your MP and demand that this credit is amended. 
We deserve as much help as we can. 

Without insulin, our children cannot survive... 

  • antibiotics, 
  • insulin, 
  • chemotherapy, 
  • and nutrition and hydration provided intravenously or by tube.

As to the time it takes to care for

  1. Type 1Diabetes, 
  2. logging, 
  3. injecting, 
  4. site changes, 
  5. testing, 
  6. and measuring of food, 
  7. to name just a few things easily adds up to over 14 hours per week. 

Visit the Disability Tax Credit section for copies of letters that can be sent to your MP.

Letters to MPs can be addressed to:
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, ON
K1A  0A6
No postage is required to write to a Member of Parliament. 
If you are unsure who your MP is please check the government website at
Together we can make a difference.
DTC Advisory Committee
The federal government set up an advisory committee to look into concerns regarding Tax Measures for Persons with Disabilities. 
Their website can be found at www.disabilitytax.ca  
If you would like your voice heard regarding the inconsistency of approvals for disability tax credit 
please email them at
 or send your concerns to
List of Best Technical Advisory Committee on Tax Measures for Persons with Disabilities for 
140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0G5
Please note they will not hear individual cases but are looking at fundamental ways in which the credit can be made juster.  
This website will be forwarding a letter outlining our views and concerns.
To View our letter please go to 

Please take the time to reply to a questionnaire regarding recent changes to the Form T2201.  
To respond in English go to
To respond in French visit
Look What's Coming...
Watch for details regarding a new awareness campaign for November 
What to send to school ... 
This will provide a list of documents that you may wish to send to school with your child with Type 1 Diabetes. 

It will include instructions on care as well as general information that all caregivers should know.
See Information for the School page.

Detailed an information package on applying for the DTC

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