Glucose Test During Pregnancy instruction - suexpress

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Glucose Test During Pregnancy instruction

Glucose Test During Pregnancy 

Glucose Test During Pregnancy instruction
hi so I had a request after my second-trimester article 
glucose test during pregnancy to explain more about my glucose test and what it was like 

so how to pass the glucose tolerance test pregnancy the test 

I had done in a clinic that was close to my home rather than driving all the way up to the hospital my doctor said it's fine that 

I could do the testing and any private clinic as long as 
I shared the results with her Glucose Test During Pregnancy  instructions 
  1. 75-gram glucose tolerance test pregnancy and 
  2. what to eat before the glucose test pregnancy and
  3. after that glucose tolerance test results in pregnancy

Glucose Test During Pregnancy instruction

so that was kind of a good thing that I didn't have to drive all the way for 45 minutes
 so the process was like this I went to the clinic in the morning because 

I was asked to go on an empty stomach 

so I went by about 7:45 in the morning and 
I had to give a urine sample as well as a blood sample they took only one vial of blood and after which they asked me to intake to drink glucose test during pregnancy 

so since this was a small clinic that was just an average clinic near my home and they did not provide the glucose test during pregnancy  

so I was asked to go out and to buy a pack of glucose tests during pregnancy  

so I found a pack of Glucon D and the thing is with the glueconD this was a hundred-one hundred and twenty-five-gram pack and you only required to take 75 grams 

so at 75 grams of glucose test during pregnancy  or  50g glucose challenge test pregnancy a hundred ml of water 

so if this is your glass you're going to be having almost 3/4 of your glass for a be glucose test during pregnancy instruction  

so you need to measure 75 grams of glucose and dilute that into 100 ml of water 

so you'll have to drink that Glucose on an empty stomach and
following which you will have to wait for two hours you can either that's the reason they tell 

you to do this close to home is that you don't have to wait in the hospital or wait in the clinic for two hours 

so after a 2-hour glucose tolerance test pregnancy normal range

you go back and you give one more sample of urine and sample of blood they would be able to give you 

your test results in after two or three hours maximum 

Glucose Test During Pregnancy instruction
Glucose Test During Pregnancy instruction

so I got my results on the same date anything below 120 is considered normal 

so as long as your levels are below 120 it's fine there's nothing to worry about you can continue with your normal diet

 if at all your levels are higher maybe after above 120 or even some of them some of my friends like I had my support group 

so some of them were diagnosed with having gestational diabetes 

so, in that case, 

your doctor will give you steps of what you are to do whether you have to be put on an insulin injection 

one of my friends actually was having higher glucose and she had to be monitored constantly and 

they would give you a little injection shot that you could give off the insulin but that's only in a very extreme case and the house 

 was a complicated Pregnancy instruction but otherwise, you will just have to watch what you eat to tell you a little more about the product like 

I purchased a pack of glucose it cost me only 27 rupees testing the glucose testing cost me 250 rupees 

so this was all about the glucose test if you have any other questions do let me know in your comments below 

if you found this article helpful and difficult  don't forget to Like and subscribe 

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