2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb - suexpress

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2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb

2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb

2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb
2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb

2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb 
Everybody welcome I want to talk to you about another piece of news we have that's probably gonna speak to a few people out there because we talk about a low-carb or a keto diet 
I know a lot of you out there probably still feel well is this really a legitimate thing you might be concerned about jumping on the latest fad because there are lots of social media news and I what 
I would call fake news that keto and low-carb is a fad and people read that and 
I can see how people would get worried about that be like I don't know if 
I want to try this or if you're a clinician and you say look 
I need to make sure I'm practicing within the standard of care and if 
I'm outside of that what does that mean for my reputation what does that mean for me legally and how to do 
I know I'm helping the patients more than I'm hurting them 

2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb 

so you want to be firmly convinced that low-carb Aikido is standard of care and it really is in the news piece,
I'm talking about is how the American Diabetes Association that a DEA came out with an update of their recommendations and guidelines and specifically, it was called facilitating behavior change to improve health outcomes with for people with 
type 2 diabetes and in this throughout this paper, they endorsed low carb diets now the title of my post on diet doctor calm was that they cautiously induce endorse low carbon and let's talk about that you know to their credit they talk about how everybody's different and there's no one diet to fit everybody and you have to you know consider people's goals and their preferences and their background they also said there is no one macronutrients percentage makeup of an appropriate diet which concerns me a little bit them and 
I think they risk being a little too superficial but fortunately, they go a little bit deeper beyond that and then they do talk about the benefits of low carb and them acknowledge the science behind low carb diets improving glycemia and improving diabetes but the reason 
I say cautiously in the title that 88 cautiously endorses it because they also talk about the low carb diet is difficult to follow and to sustain long-term and there 
I have a little bit of an issue because
I mean let's face it any behavioral change is difficult to maintain for the general population whether you're talking about quitting smoking whether you're talking about starting an exercise program or any dietary change whether it's low fat cutting calories or even just cutting out junk food for the general population any behavioral change is challenging but when you have studies like the study from Verta health showing over 80% compliance at one year and 74% compliance at two years to me that speaks volumes to this not being all that challenging or certainly not any more challenging than any other behavior change 
so singling out low carb diets to say they're challenging 
I didn't like that part of the report but 
I really liked how they definitely endorsed low carb nutrition as effective and useful for treating 
type 2 diabetes and it fits in perfectly with their other message that we have to consider people's preferences and what their goals are and their background and their food tastes because low carb can look lots of different ways right sure 

  • it can be bacon and steak and that's delicious and people enjoy that
  •  it can also be vegan and
  • it can be vegetarian and 
  • its diet dr. calm we have guides for how to do low carb vegan how to do keto vegetarian and there's everything in between 

 2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb 
so low carb and keto doesn't mean one thing but what 
it does mean is benefiting glucose control benefiting insulin resistance for reversing type 2 diabetes improving weight loss 
I mean all those things are proven in the scientific literature to low carb diets and now the American Diabetes Association once again includes
 it in their guidelines 

2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb 
so I think that's so important going back to how we started this video for those people who are curious you know is is this a fad or is this real look the ATA endorses 
it right 
I mean this is real and all you have to do is go to diet dr. calm to see all the evidence we have behind 
it all the success stories to know that this is real this is not a fad and for the practitioner out there the clinician one uses with their patients 
it once it's in the guidelines you have legal ethical standards to back you up and you're you know 
it should you should have no concerns really that this is now part of the standard of care now, in my opinion, 
it should be first-line therapy with for just about everybody with 
type 2 diabetes, we're not there yet but this is a great step in the right direction and let's face 
if you know these big organizations they by necessity you need to be sort of slow to change right the last post we did on the American Heart Association and their recommendations for lower cholesterol 
I mean that's just the egregious example of how they are just resistant to train change and that's how most big organizations are 

2020 USA Diabetes Association cautiously endorses low carb 
so kudos the American Diabetes Association for again endorsing low carb diets all right make sure you    all those on our youtube channel and go to diet dr. calm where you'll see all the other information the guides the videos and the programs we have available for you alright have a great day everybody you
watch the video 

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