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TYPE two Polygenic Disease COMPLICATIONS
Complications of kind two polygenic {disease} may be associated with the disease itself or to the treatments accustomed manage polygenic disease. (See "Patient education: Preventing complications in diabetes(Beyond the Basics)".)
টাইপ দুই পলিজেনসিক রোগ এলাকা ইউনিট সহ মহিলা কখনও কখনও গর্ভবতী হতে সক্ষম এবং একটি সুস্থ শিশুর আছে। শারীরিক অবস্থার মধ্যে বহুজাতীয় রোগের সম্পূর্ণ আলোচনা বাজারে পৃথকভাবে হয়। (দেখুন "রোগীর শিক্ষা: এক বা দুই ডায়াবেটিস (বুনিয়াদি ব্যতীত) মেয়েদের জন্য শারীরিক অবস্থার যত্ন নেওয়া।")
TYPE two polygenic disease COMPLICATIONS PREGNANCY and Polygenic disease
Women with kind two polygenic disease area unit sometimes able to become pregnant and have a healthy baby. A full discussion of polygenic disease in physiological condition is on the market severally. (See "Patient education: Care throughout physiological condition for girls with kind one or two diabetes (Beyond the Basics)".)
TYPE two polygenic disease COMPLICATIONS WHERE to induce a lot of data
Your health care supplier is that the best supply of data for queries and considerations associated with your medical downside.
This article is going to be updated as required on our website (www.uptodate.com/patients). connected topics for patients, furthermore as chosen articles are written for health care professionals, also are on the market. a number of the foremost relevant area unit listed below.
TYPE two polygenic disease COMPLICATIONS Patient-level data — UpToDate offers 2 varieties of patient education materials.
The Basics — the fundamentals patient education items answer the four or 5 key queries a patient might need a couple of given condition. These articles area unit best for patients UN agency desire a general summary and preferring short, easy-to-read materials.
- Patient education: kind two polygenic diseases (The Basics)
- Patient education: Polycystic ovary syndrome (The Basics)
- Patient education: iron-storage disease (The Basics)
- Patient education: hemoprotein A1C tests (The Basics)
- Patient education: soft sickness} disease, together with soft steatohepatitis (NASH) (The Basics)
- Patient education: making ready for physiological condition once you have the polygenic disease (The Basics)
- Patient education: acromegalia (The Basics)
- Patient education: Preventing kind two polygenic diseases (The Basics)
- Patient education: Diabetic diabetic acidosis (The Basics)
- Patient education: Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma (The Basics)
- Patient education: polygenic disease and infections (The Basics)
- Patient education: Health risks of fatness (The Basics)
Beyond the fundamentals — on the far side the fundamentals patient education items area unit longer, a lot of subtle, and a lot of elaborated. These articles area unit best for patients UN agency wish in-depth data and area unit comfy with some medical jargon.
- Patient education: diabetes kind 2: Alcohol, exercise, and treatment (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: Foot care in diabetes (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: symptom (low blood sugar) in diabetes (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: Preventing complications in diabetes (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: Self-monitoring of glucose in diabetes (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: kind two diabetes and diet (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: physiological state diabetes (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: diabetes kind 2: Treatment (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: diabetes kind 2: hypoglycemic agent treatment (Beyond the Basics)
- Patient education: Care throughout physiological condition for girls with kind one or two diabetes (Beyond the Basics)
TYPE two polygenic disease COMPLICATIONS Professional level data
Skilled level articles area unit designed to stay doctors and alternative health professionals up-to-date on the newest medical findings. These articles area unit thorough, long, and sophisticated, and that they contain multiple references to the analysis on that they're primarily based. skilled level articles area unit best for {people UN agency|people that|folks that|those that|those who} area unit comfy with tons of medical nomenclature and who wish to scan an equivalent material their doctor's area unit reading.
দক্ষ স্তরের নিবন্ধ এলাকা ইউনিট ডাক্তার এবং বিকল্প স্বাস্থ্য পেশাদারদের সর্বশেষ চিকিৎসা ফলাফলগুলিতে আপ টু ডেট থাকার জন্য ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে। এই নিবন্ধ এলাকা ইউনিট পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খ, দীর্ঘ, এবং অত্যাধুনিক, এবং তারা প্রাথমিকভাবে ভিত্তি করে যে বিশ্লেষণ একাধিক রেফারেন্স রয়েছে। দক্ষ স্তরের নিবন্ধ এলাকার ইউনিট {মানুষের জাতিসংঘের এজেন্সি | লোকজন যে | লোকেরা যে | যারা যে | যারা যারা} একক ইউনিট মেডিক্যাল নামকরণের সাথে আরামদায়ক এবং যারা তাদের ডাক্তার এলাকা ইউনিট পড়ার সমান উপকরণ স্ক্যান করতে চায়।
- Self-monitoring of glucose in the management of adults with diabetes
- Classification of diabetes and genetic diabetic syndromes
- Clinical presentation and identification of diabetes in adults
- Effects of exercise in adults with diabetes
- Estimation of glucose management in diabetes
- Glycemic management and tube complications in kind two diabetes
- Insulin medical aid in kind two diabetes
- Management of symptom throughout treatment of diabetes
- Management of persistent hyperglycemia in kind two diabetes
- Nutritional concerns in kind one diabetes
- Nutritional concerns in kind two diabetes
- Prevention of kind two diabetes
- Screening for kind two diabetes
- The metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance syndrome or syndrome X)
- Treatment of kind two diabetes within the older patient
- Pathogenesis of kind two diabetes
The following organizations additionally give reliable health data.
●National Institute of polygenic disease and biological process and excretory organ Diseases
●American polygenic disease Association (ADA) (800)-DIABETES (800-342-2383) (www.diabetes.org)
●Hormone Health Network
REFERENCES তথ্যসূত্র
Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, et al. Reduction within the incidence of the kinda pair of polygenic disorder with way intervention or Glucophage.
Intensive blood-glucose management with sulphonylureas or hypoglycemic agent compared with typical treatment and risk of complications in patients with kind a pair of polygenic disorder (UKPDS 33). United Kingdom Prospective polygenic disorder Study (UKPDS) cluster.
Sulphonylureas বা হাইপোগ্লাইসিমিক এজেন্টের সাথে গাঢ় রক্ত-গ্লুকোজ ব্যবস্থাপনা, যথা রোগকেন্দ্রিক ব্যাধি (ইউকেপিডিএস 33) সহ রোগীদের মধ্যে সাধারণ চিকিৎসা এবং জটিলতার ঝুঁকিগুলির তুলনায়। ইউনাইটেড কিংডম সম্ভাব্য বহুজাতীয় ব্যাধি স্টাডি (ইউকেপিডিএস) ক্লাস্টার।
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